Servicing - we collect and return

At ALD, we offer a unique service called ServiceLink. We collect and return your car when it is due for servicing - and when you get your car back, it is both washed and vacuumed. All of this at no extra cost for you.

Book service online and let us manage the logistics

As an ALD leasing customer, you are offered a practical collect and return scheme when your company car needs servicing. On the agreed date, the car will be collected before 10am at the specified address, driven to the workshop where the service will be performed, and returned by 5pm on the same day.

You can freely choose whether you would like us to collect from and return to your home or work address. When you get your car back at the end of the day, it will be both washed and vacuumed - without any extra cost for you. If you wish to deliver the car yourself, this is naturally also possible.

When you order ServiceLink via My ALD, we will arrange all contact with the workshop. All you need to do is submit the order and choose ServiceLink when booking. You should always book a service at least five business days in advance.

We have specifically selected the workshops to perform the services connected to ServiceLink. Therefore, the selection of workshops is limited. This means that it is not possible for you to choose the workshop yourself when choosing ServiceLink, as the workshop is pre-defined based on your geographics and car make.

Please note: Servicing can only be requested at the vehicle's prescribed service intervals. Depending on your car, certain geographical areas may not currently be covered by our scheme.

How ServiceLink works:

  1. You book your service at My ALD and choose ServiceLink.
  2. On the agreed upon date, the car will be collected before 10am at the specified address.
  3. We drive the car to the workshop where the service is performed.
  4. The car is washed and vacuumed*.
  5. The car will be returned the same day before 5pm on the specified address.

*For a few vehicle types, car wash is unfortunately not possible due to the car's dimensions. 

In need of a replacement car in the meantime?

A replacement vehicle to drive while your car is being serviced can also be ordered, if required.

The price of a replacement vehicle starts at DKK 250 (excluding VAT). The price can, however, be changed without notice. 

Contact our Technical Department at +45 33 55 80 80 for more information.